10/29/22 Gibspeak


She walks down the street of her hometown, a path she has taken many times before. Neighbors pass her by along with other residents of the town. Some she knew, others she’d seen, and some have never crossed her path.

A man comes towards her, someone she has never met before. The man seems to be distracted, looking down at his phone and accidentally bumps into her.

“Hbf apfhi mg kbsfo,” the passing man says.

“I’m sorry, what was that?” the woman asks with a confused look on her face.

“R hsyr dfgb uw plgrn,” he says.

“Oh…ok…” she says, pretending to understand the man. She continues walking as does the man. “That was weird,” she says to herself.

Across the street she sees one of her friends coming out of the local laundromat, “Hi Linda!” she yells across the street, waving at her friend.

Linda turns her head, “Lq hbekbfjv!” she says, waving back.

“What did you say?” she yells to Linda again.

Linda holds up one finger, motioning to wait a minute. She looks to both sides and sees the road is clear and crosses to easily talk with her friend. “V haje baikq. Os bwu jiab oqnm jqks af pmdheatskl bw gdon hawv gjsdf whpsjk.”

“Linda, what are you saying, you’re speaking gibberish.”

“Kwgb fj kwj nhub woph gawg fjhnisb lwjahwh,” Linda says, growing frustrated at her friends lack of understanding.

She walks away from Linda, knowing she will only make things worse. She walks into a nearby grocery store and goes to the closest cashier, “Hello sir, can you understand me?”

The man looks at her for a moment confused then replies, “Cyd h wna ofnswhfnam gje.”

“Noooooo!” the woman yells, running out of the store, “What is going on with everyone?!” Suddenly an app pops up on the woman's phone with big green letter reading, “Don’t feel left out, learn Gibspeak today!” The woman clicks on the add and immediately random letters quickly flash on the screen, one after the other.

Linda catches up with her friend, “Pbr ani ogg wx?”

She looks up at her friend with a giant smile, “Gvs p cq.”

The End



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