11/19/22 Ice (Part 3)

 Ice (Part 3)

Walking along a path, the young man makes his way into the woods. The whole curiosity is burning in him, wondering if the sword really works or not. “It can’t actually freeze things in time, that’s impossible!” he says out loud, pulling the sword from its sheath.

He stares at it, then hovers his hand just above the blade. The cold still emanates from the sword and hits the young man's hand. “It must still be cold from the ice, and stayed that way in the sheath.”

The young man’s confidence wavers, “No it can’t be enchanted, this is stupid.” He hesitates for a moment then, against the warning of the older man, grabs the blade. Immediately he is frozen, he cannot move. His mind screams to his hand, telling it to let go of the sword but it will not. He is stuck, forever.

A few hours pass, and the young man sees a figure approaching in the distance. As it gets closer he sees it is the older man.

The older man walks up to the younger man in his frozen state and sighs, “You should have listened to my warning, I gave it for a reason.” The younger man cannot reply, but is forced to stand and listen. “I know you are probably screaming, asking for help, but I cannot give it. The magic flowing through the sword is too strong and cannot be broken. Just as you held it, the sword now holds you, here, like this, forever.”

Before the older man leaves, he pulls out a small metal sign and places it in the ground, it reads, “Do Not Touch the Sword.”

As the days pass, people stare at the younger man in confusion, wondering why he does not move. He still appears completely normal, but is frozen like a statue. Children poke and prod at him before being pulled away by their guardians. Others closely examine him, some making physical contact and some not. But no matter how they view or interact with him, they all heed the warning on the sign.

The End



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