11/20/22 Forgetfulness


To forget is to misplace a memory. The memory seems to disappear, like it never even existed. It is so strange. At first a memory or a thought can be so solid and clear, so strong in our minds, and then somehow it just vanishes, as if we had never thought about it in the first place.

Finding that memory again, remembering, brings such a revelation. A whole train of thought that had gone missing in action, all of a sudden returns. All the details of the memory, things you meant to do come flooded back out of seemingly nowhere.

It can be frustrating, losing thoughts so fast. In one moment you can be thinking of something, and know everything about it, and then the next it is gone forever. The most you can do is try and retrace your mental steps and hope whatever you were thinking about returns.

Even more infuriating is forgetting to do something you said you would do. At the time of promising to do something, you are so sure you will remember to do it. You have it planned in your brain, ready to go. But as time goes on and other thoughts pop into your head, those plans get shoved aside and destroyed. Sometimes they are sparked just in time to get the task done, but often not. We forget to do things and let others down without even trying. Had we remembered we surely would have done it, but the memory faded, like it never even happened.

If only our minds could be perfect, able to remember every detail of our day, our promises and ideas. But the mind is prone to forgetfulness. We do our best to help it along, but things always seem to slip our mind.

The End



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