11/24/22 Go Golf

 Go Golf

After an intense game of go golf, a variant of go fish but played instead with golf balls, Ally was livid at Isaiah. Every time she would ask for something, the next turn he would end up taking it right back. Elsie was simply a bystander of the trash talking to come.

“Go Tee with your Putter!” Ally screams, rolling her eyes at Isaiah.

Isaiah gives his sister a confused look, “What does that even mean,” he responds, trying to hold back laughter.

“I’m gonna take a driver to your golf ball down all eighteen holes,” she says, now also trying to remain serious. Elsie just sits there, a huge smile on her face, watching the hilarity unfold.

“Have you ever played golf,” Isaiah asks through giggles.

“Yeah, mini golf,” Ally responds confidently.

“Got it.”

“It doesn’t matter though. I’m still going to grab you by the nostrils and flip you upside down and hope that it rains!”

“What?” Elsie says, full out laughing, “That isn’t even golf related!”

“...On the golf course,” Ally adds.

Isaiah laughs, “That’s not how that works Ally. You can’t just say ‘On the golf course’ to make it golf related. That’s like saying, I’m going to murder you…on the golf course.”

The three all break into laughter. “I’m glad we made this game,” Elsie says.

The End



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