11/25/22 Finding a Fairy

 Finding a Fairy

Once upon a time a young prince walked through the woods, just outside his castle. He was searching for fairies. The tales of their beauty and power of their magic always fascinated the prince. He had dreamed of being one of them, living in a small flowery home in the woods and flying wherever he pleased. Ever since he came of age, his parents tried to find him a bride but he refused, his heart was set on a fairy. He didn’t know which one, but he’d know when he saw her.

On his stroll through the woods, he came across a patch of vibrant pink flowers. He looked through them, hoping a fairy might be hiding among them. Nothing, he saw nothing, other than the flowers. He stood back up and continued his fairy hunting journey. 

Little did he know, there had been a small blue fairy hiding amongst the flowers. She was watching him closely, curious as to what he was doing, but staying out of his sight so he would never find her.

The little fairy continued to follow the prince, flying behind trees and bushes. As the prince stopped, the fairy landed on a small branch of a nearby tree, trying to get a good look at the prince's face. Her focus of his facial features grew to strong, and she forgot to hold on to the tree, sending her tumbling to the ground.

The sound was not loud, but enough for the prince to hear the little fairy hit the ground. As she scrambled to get back to her feet the prince approached her, too fast for her to escape.

“Please don’t hurt me,” she said innocently, avoiding eye contact with the young prince.

At first he said nothing and simply stared at her, admiring her beauty. “I don’t want to hurt you. I wish for you to return to my castle with me!” The prince's excitement showed all over his face.

“Why would I go to your castle?”

“You would be safe there. There are many fairy hunters in these woods. I could protect you back at my castle.”

“I don’t need your protection, I am perfectly capable of protecting myself!”

“But you were cowering as I approached you.”

“Well…yes…but… I would have figured something out! I have survived many years in these woods all on my own,” she says sternly.

“Please return to my castle with me.” The fairy rolls her eyes and starts to turn away. “Or! Let me stay with you. Make me into a fairy and let me live with you, and protect you in your home.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“Oh but I am! I have always loved the tales of the fairies and dreamed of becoming one.”

The fairy thinks for a moment, “Well I can’t make you into a fairy but I can make you the size of a fairy.”

“That would be wonderful, then you and I would be more alike.”

The fairy pulls out her wand and waves it towards the prince, blue sparkles dusting out of it. The prince begins to shrink in a blue cloud of smoke and is left the same size as the little fairy.

Taking a moment to examine himself, the prince waves his arms and legs around. He stares up at the now massive trees, “This is amazing! Thank you!” He goes to the fairy and forcibly hugs her. “Thank you.”

Quickly the blue fairy takes her wand and stabs the prince straight through the heart. The prince’s lifeless body falls to the ground, “Told you I could protect myself.”

The End



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