11/29/22 The Information Seeker

 The Information Seeker

“Hello?” the man calls out in the seemingly empty home.

“Ah hello!” a cheery old man, wearing a long red robe says, appearing out of nowhere.

“My name is Warren and I-”

“Ohhhh wonderful! Please go on,” the old claps with a large grin on his face.

“...Um well, I need your help. You are Lyden aren’t you?”

“Yes,” the old man bows, “Pleasure to meet you.”

“I have a problem and I need some information. I hear you are a man with great knowledge of many things. I was hoping you’d be able to help me.”

“That all depends on what you can give me in return for this information. As helpful as my knowledge is, I still require a form of payment.”

“I’m sorry, but my family is poor and my wife is very-”

Lyden cuts him off, “No, not money. Information. That is why I am so wise. I tell people what they want to know, and in return gain more knowledge. It is one big circle of information you see, everyone wants to know what others know. I am simply the place where it can all be accessed.”

“Once again I apologize, I do not have any great or helpful knowledge to pass along to someone else.”

Lyden squints his eyes at Warren, “Oh I’m sure there must be some sort of information you can give me. I will take anything you know!”


“Yes! Anything! Your mother’s name, how old your pet is, the last meal you ate, just a few easy ones for example.”

Warren stands in confusion, “What? Why would any of that be useful to you or anyone else?”

Lyden smiles, “You’d be surprised. But be careful, the information you give can be used in ways you’d never expect.”

“Alright um,” Warren thinks hard. Lyden made it sound so easy but Warren wanted to give something of use, as his concern was great. “My cow Mimi produces up to eight buckets of milk a day.” Warren didn’t know why he chose this tidbit of information, but it was the first thing useful he could think of.

“When someone wanders onto your farm asking for milk Warren, you will see how useful the smallest bits of information can be.”

“So will you help me with what I need?”

“Yes, ask away Warren, and I will see if I can help.”

The End



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