12/18/22 Bored


Reyoon struggled as he listened to his master. The talks were always so long and monotonous. He knew he needed to learn, but the way was so boring, his brain wanted to die.

“Reyoon! Are you listening?” His master asked him angrily.

“Yes, Master.”

“Then what have I just said?”

“Listening yes, processing no. I apologize, master, my brain is failing me.”

“Reyoon, to learn the ancient arts you must learn patience and focus. You must always be aware of what is happening around you if you are to one day become a master.”

“I will try to pay attention, Master, I promise.”
“You better. It is a great honor to be trained in these arts, to waste such training is a disgrace on your own soul.”

The lesson continued on but Reyoon could not hold his focus. He stood up in the middle of a sentence, “Master I am sorry, but your words do not hold. Let disgrace be on me as I take my leave.” Reyoon exits the room as his master gives a disgusted look.

“Ungrateful…” Reyoon hears his master begin to mutter insults as he leaves the room.

The End



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