12/20/22 Another Day

 Another Day

Hello and welcome to Another Day. Your automatic lifetime subscription has not yet expired so you will continue to be provided with days until your subscription ends.

The amount of days left on your subscription can not be provided due to technical errors involving calculation. We are sorry if this is an inconvenience and will try to improve our services in the future.

For now though, we hope you enjoy your days. If you have any dissatisfaction with the days provided, please call our toll free number and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can to the best of our ability.

Here at Another Day, we keep it honest and acknowledge that all problems can’t be solved. But we do promise to try our best to make your days as great as they can be.

So for now, thank you for subscribing to Another Day, and as we always say, have a nice day!

The End



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