12/21/22 Archer


His aim was impeccable, wood splintered everywhere as he shot arrow after arrow into the hay target. Each arrow landed on the one before it, sending small wood shavings flying through the air. 

He loved his ability but thought it useless. In a world of guns and knives, who needed a bow and arrow? What person would feel threatened by a stick and some string when they themselves held a rifle.

With food provided for him in a store, he would never need to hunt, he didn’t want to hunt. He simply loved the bow and arrow. The accuracy that could be acquired, the feeling of release when the arrow left the bow, for him nothing was better.

As useless as it felt, he continued to practice. Not to compete, or so show off, but simply because he enjoyed it. A normal man in the eyes of the world, but behind closed doors, one of the best archers the world would never see.

The End



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