
Showing posts from April, 2022

4/30/22 Procrastination

  Procrastination           “You have three weeks to finish this project,” the computerized voice says.  ‘Oh perfect, plenty of time!” You think to yourself. You do nothing. “You have one week left to finish this project,” the computerized voice says. ‘Dang I really just wasted two weeks, I should really get started on that project,’ You think to yourself. You do not start the project. “You have two days left to finish this project,” the computerized voice says. ‘Oh man, I better start that now just so I have a little wiggle room, to make sure I get it done on time,’ You think to yourself. You continue to not start the project. “You have twelve hours left to finish this project,” the computerized voice says. ‘Ok, ok, let's get this thing started!’ You think to yourself. You sit down, about to start the project but proceed to get distracted by something else. “You have one hour left to finish this project,” the computerized voice says. ‘Oh no,” You think to

4/29/22 The Cave

  The Cave A small path of stone leads to a beautiful cherry blossom tree. Its leaves are a beautiful bubblegum pink, contrasting perfectly against the rich brown bark. The stones peak slightly out of the lake surrounding the tree. A light shines through the rock ceiling above, bringing light to the cave and perfectly illuminating the tree.  The reflection of the evergreens above mix with the deep blue of the water creating a rich teal in the still water. The stone path is illuminated by the pink of the tree, as if the tree beckons one to step on the stones and come closer to it. Behind the tree, a gaping mouth of stone leads to a dark abyss deeper in the earth. With the small lake so beautiful, adorned by the cherry blossom, a fear comes when looking farther on.  Carved by nature, intricate designs cover the rock wall. The edges of the rocks range from jagged sharp edges to sleek smooth surfaces. In some areas the rocks resemble roots, criss-crossing along the walls while flowin

4/28/22 True Colors

  True Colors “Lars Mason Alexander Otis, you come here right now!” the boy's mother screamed. Lars quickly ran at the command of his mother, and stood facing her, terrified of her next words. “Did you put this here?” she asks, motioning to a drawing sitting next to a plant on a small side table. The boy nods his head, confirming he was the one who put it there. His mothers angry tone flips to a smile, “It’s beautiful, I love it!” “Thanks,” Lars says, confused but relieved. “What is it supposed to be though?” his mother rudely asks.  Lars, nervous to respond due to his mothers attitude replies, “It’s supposed to the the earth orbiting the sun.” “Oh that’s wonderful! I see it now,” his mother replies sweetly. “Can I go back to my room now mommy?” Lars asks, feeling very uncomfortable. “What, you don’t want to spend a little time with your mother? You are twelve years old, soon you will be an adult and I’ll never see you again! Can’t you at least spend a little time with

4/27/22 Relaxing Lights

  Relaxing Lights There she lies, the colored lights fading gently from one to the other. Her ceiling sparkles light the milky way, shimmering with the changing lights. Comfily tucked into her bed she lies peacefully, her eyes like boulders dropping shut as she struggles to keep them open.  Something about the soft changing of the lights makes her eyes itch even more with sleep. They fade back and forth, putting her in a trance like state as her mind slowly drifts away. Thoughts spew here and there, none with full form. She cannot think as sleep desperately tries to overcome her. Staring at the vibrant colors of the lights, her thoughts become silent, all she can focus on is the colors. From blue to teal to green to yellow to red to pink to purple to blue, the lights gently shift, quickly putting her to sleep. Finally she gives in. Turning the colored lights off she immerses herself into darkness, with nothing but the small white light of the night light filling the room. She c

4/26/22 The Crystal Clam

  The Crystal Clam A singular, completely unique, small clam, its shell coated in shimmering crystals, hid on a beach, along with many ordinary clams, snug in the sand. Everything was fine till the earth began to shake. A stampede of footsteps tramples overtop to the beach. The clams quickly began to dig down, but the men's metal contraptions were too fast. They harshly dug their way into the beach and began to snatch up the clams, one by one. Some of the men brought along little battery powered stoves, to enjoy the fresh taste of their catch. The crystal clam hid for as long as he could but was eventually caught by the metal machines. As the lucky man pulled up his metal claw, he stared in awe at the clam caught inside. Quickly calling his buddies around, they all closely examined the clam, amazed by the crystalline structures formed on the shell.  All of the men, wanting to know the taste of the beautiful creature, rapidly heat up some water on their little stove. The cryst

4/25/22 They Race, Two Souls

  They Race, Two Souls They race, two souls, one trying to get to the other faster. Two non material forms of life, their only goal is to find each other. However far apart, a strong connection draws them together, as if they were magnets trying to connect.  They race, two souls, around the universe, without any limitations. The endless void of space makes their journey seem impossible, but they continue to look for each other nonetheless. Their connection is infinite and can reach however far.  They race, two souls, getting closer and closer, day by day. Time has no meaning to them. They would wait forever to find each other. To give up would be to give up their purpose. If one were to give up the connection would be lost, and the souls would cease to exist for their one true purpose would be gone.  They race, two souls, after many hundreds of years, finally so close to one another. Pulled by the bond they share, the souls desperately search for each other. They can feel they ar

4/24/22 Carried by the Breeze

  Carried by the Breeze She stood in the breeze, arms stretched out wide. “Take me away,” she said, and the wind complied with her request. It picked her up off the earth and carried her through the sky and clouds.  Although a wondrous view passed by below her, she just closed her eyes and floated with the wind. The sight could be replicated but this feeling would never be again. She did nothing but float, feeling the breeze run through her hair, trying to capture it in her hands. Hours went by and she enjoyed every moment, but the chill of the sky began to wear into her, she was ready to go down. The wind however had different plans, it was not ready to let her go. Her assumption of being a friend to the wind changed as she realized she was prisoner to it. Struggling against air, she tried to point herself downwards and break free. Her thoughts were not on the fall, only of wanting to be free.  After fighting and struggling as hard as she could, the air became impossible to fi

4/23/22 Content

  Content In his enclosure he sat, his space small but enough, covered by a glass dome. Three large black rocks, smooth and sleek, filled the middle of the small space; the floor blanketed with a vibrant green grass. He had no need for food or drink, no desire for sleep, he only sat. Alone in his space, simple thoughts would wander but none ever went far. Contentment was all he really felt. He had no need for any other things, his home was enough. Although completely alone he never grew lonely. Such a simple being he was, not needing any extravagant possessions, no personal relations, no adventure of any kind. Forever he would sit in his enclosed dome, perfectly happy in his solitude. The End 4/23/22

4/22/22 The Rocky Shore

  The Rocky Shore *Trigger Warning: Losing a baby* Walking out to a rocky shore, the woman was filled with an overwhelming sadness. Somewhere amongst the sandy rocks, buried in the ground lay her child. It had been so long she could no longer remember the exact place of burial, but she knew her son was out there somewhere. Every time she went to visit, she would stand on the flat sandy beach, before the large rocks. Since the day he was buried, she could never bring herself to walk over the rocks again. So she stood, silently looking out at the rocks, listening to the sounds of the ocean. She no longer cried for her son, tears weren’t enough to express her sadness. With the cold air beating against her dry eyes, she remembered the few moments she had with her son. Holding her tiny baby in her arms, listening to his short breaths as he tried so hard to breathe. He was only alive for a moment but that one singular moment was so precious to the woman. Every time she came to the rocks,

4/21/22 Misty Forest Falls

  Misty Forest Falls Deep into the dim misty forest, three friends travel through the thin tree trunks. Like a maze with no clear direction, the trunks form endless paths. The three friends walk through the night, with their way lit only by the moon.  What would seem scary was very calm. A peace resided in the forest, enticing the friends to walk deeper in. They weren’t sure why they were there, but felt the overwhelming need to keep going. It was so peaceful and almost magical, there had to be something.  In the distance were the sounds of a roaring waterfall. The three friends decided to try and find the source of the sound. They walked along the natural paths, through the thin mist on the ground, following only the sound of the water.  The friends came upon the river and knew they were close. They followed the river towards the waterfall, the sound getting louder and louder. As they reached the mighty waterfall they stopped and stared, amazed by the giant waterfall flowing down

4/20/22 Recharge

  Recharge “Hello, how can I help you today!” the receptionist asked in an overly perky tone. “A recharge please,” the man replied slowly and gloomy. “Alright we have a station open right over there, just follow me and I will get you all set up!” The woman gives small quick claps and she leads the man to the recharge station. The woman opens a clear glass door and the man steps into the metal pod. She places a plastic breathing mask over his face as he melts into the padded chair. The woman closes the door and presses some buttons on the machine, setting a timer for one hour. The man calmly sits in the pod, eyes closed, falling into the relaxing sleep.  An hour passes and the man is woken by the woman opening the door to his pod. She gently removes the mask from his face and he stands up. The grogginess quickly fades and the man is hit with a sudden burst of energy. “Man, I always forget how nice a good recharge is!” he says excitedly. “Well we are here whenever you need it

4/19/22 Give Me a Number

  Give Me a Number Tormented by his childhood and hurt by the world, the middle aged man walks up to a random person passing by on the sidewalk. “Excuse me, could you give me a number?” he asks. The younger man looks at him confused, “Like a phone number?” “No, just any number,” he says bluntly. “Alright ummmm,” the confused man pauses for a moment, “Ugh five-hundred. Does that work for you?” “That’s perfect, thank you.” He says, as he walks away, giving no explanation. ~ 5 Years Later ~ The man who had been stopped on the street now sits in his living room and turns on his TV. Turning to the news he listens to a new report. “Breaking news ladies and gentlemen,” the anchor begins, “After claiming his five-hundredth kill, based on the signature number carved into the victim's body, The Counting Killer has turned himself in to local police. He claims, this was always the plan, kill five-hundred and then turn himself in. No one knows why this might be the case, but we

4/18/22 The Hypno-Toilet

  The Hypno-Toilet You stare at the toilet water as it spins round and round. All sense of time is gone as you are mesmerized by the swirl. It is not very fast or harsh, just a steady flow of circling water. The soft swishing noises are so calming and all you can do is stand and stare. A loud buzzing noise, tries desperately to alarm you of the damage being caused to the septic tank. Slowly the tank fills up higher and higher with the wasted toilet water. You cannot hear the alarm, you are too entranced by the water in the bowl.  As the water level rises in the underground tank, the alarm continues to blare. The little pump works as hard as it can, but without your help, it is helpless. The thought of leaving the bathroom hasn’t even crossed your mind. All that flows through your brain is the soft swirling water.  The toilet water consumes your thoughts, nothing else matters to you anymore, only the water. You aren’t even sure why it is happening, the swirling water is nice yes

4/17/22 The Stone Egg

The Stone Egg A giant rock lay on the side of a hill. The rock was ten times larger than any man; It's cold gray surface, able to withstand wind and storm. Perfectly round and perfectly smooth, the rock laid dormant for years. Untouched by human hands, simply shaped by mother nature herself.  The rock’s solace was disturbed one day by an energetic adventurer. Climbing the highest of hills, the man stumbled upon the magnificent rock, unable to stay away from it. Something about its smooth texture and massive size drew the man towards it, captivating his attention. Rubbing his hand over the rock, the man was soothed by the cool stone against his palm. Out of pure curiosity he began to knock on the rock. To his surprise an echo came from inside, as if the rock were completely hollow. He knocked harder, closer to punching the stone, seeing if he could break it open.  With his fist lightly scraped and bloodied, the man found a smaller stone on the hill and used it as a hammer. He

4/16/22 Grief

  Grief “No you can’t die,” the little girl said with tears in her eyes. “My love, you are smart and you are strong. I know you can do this on your own,” the woman said, embraced in her daughter's arms. “Mama no, I need you, you can’t leave me!” the little girl wailed, a flood of tears escaping from her eyes. “Oh my sweet princess, I am sorry. If I could stay with you, and help you, and protect you forever I would, but my time has come.” The mothers words became softer, with deep breaths behind them. “I know we weren’t prepared for this, we didn’t know it was coming, but that’s life sometimes my child. It isn’t always fair, but we have to take what we are given and learn to survive, whatever the circumstances may be.” The little girl sobbed, as her mothers grasped at the last straws of life. “What do I do without you mama, where do I go?” “Oh don’t worry princess,” she paused, “There will be some very nice men here shortly, they will take care of you, I promise.” “I don

4/15/22 Betrayed

  Betrayed “Alios come back, you can’t leave us like this!” Mardiaz screamed to his friend. Alios stopped and turned to his friend, “I have had enough! I’m tired of it and I don’t want it anymore!” “Why didn’t you say anything? I could have tried to help you, someone else could have tried to help you, but we didn’t know,” Mardiaz replied with disappointment. “I shouldn’t have had to tell you, you should’ve known, you should have seen the signs!” Alios defended. “You didn’t show any signs! You told us you were fine! How were we supposed to know? We can’t read minds, Alios.” “Mardiaz stop, just let me leave, you are making this harder than it needs to be,” Alios pleaded. “Do you even realize how screwed we are without you? We were not prepared for this, you are a vital part of the group, you are screwing us all over by doing this!” “Well now you will have to survive without me because I’m leaving,” Alios said sternly. “I thought you were my friend Alios, I thought you cared a