
Showing posts from May, 2022

5/30/22 Raindrops

  Raindrops A droplet of rain I am, sitting in my little raincloud, just waiting to be launched to the world. My brothers and sisters sit in anticipation, all huddled together in our cloud, waiting for it to spit us out.  We raindrops live for one thing and one thing only, the fall. In our short life cycle, we do not look forward to much. After we are formed in the cloud, and squeezed against millions of others just like us, all that is left in life is to fall to the earth and see where we land. Once we drop, we dissolve and become ourselves no more. Waiting in the cloud is boring, but the fall, the exhilaration of flying through the sky, even if it is just for a few moments, means everything to us raindrops. Our cloud has stopped its movement and grown darker, blocking the sun from the world below. It is time. My brothers and sisters and I all prepare for the moment we have been waiting for. The cloud opens and we begin to fall. At first only a few of us escape, and are squeez

5/29/22 My Internet Sucks

  My Internet Sucks Oh why does my internet hate me so much? Anytime I am in the middle of something, or trying to look up something important, it decides to die, to disappear, act like it isn’t even there. It’s like it knows when I really need it and like a villainous backstabbing friend, betrays me in that moment, when it knows it will hurt the most. It pretends everything is fine until I am most desperate for it, and then it turns around, shows its true colors, and vanishes, leaving me to my misery. Why don’t I just get a different internet provider you may ask. I should, I know I should. My current internet has shown its inability to provide in critical moments. It has shown me that it will not always be there for me. It has shown me its true nature, and I should move on. But I don’t, as this is the only internet I have ever known. To switch would just be extra work, and what if the new internet doesn’t work? As much as I despise my internet at moments, I know it is there, an

5/28/22 The Invisible Puppeteer

  The Invisible Puppeteer Compelled by an unknown force her body began to move. Her motions were sharp, and not her own. She was like a puppet completely at the will of the hidden puppeteer. Her back arched as she awkwardly rose to her feet, her puppet master obviously unaware of how to control the human body to move with its natural gracefulness. Once she was settled on her feet, completely straight from head to heel, the invisible puppeteer began to play with her arms. Her hands moved back and forth, twisting around into uncomfortable positions. The puppet master lifted her arms up and down, bending and straightening, intertwining with each other. The more the puppeteer played, the more natural her movements became. The woman was unable to speak as her body was mercilessly played with by the puppet master. The only thing she had control over was her eyes, that stared at her different ligaments moving in strange fashions. She didn’t know what was happening. She began to think she

5/27/22 A Dose of Tiredness

  A Dose of Tiredness Normal life was always so bland and boring, no fun, no silliness. But that all changed at night. The mind turned off slightly, shutting down its higher functions. All that was left was the bare minimum to stay functional, and that’s when the fun happens. Every little thing becomes funny, a permanent smile spreads across the face, stuck in place as if it were sculpted. Jokes don’t have to make sense to be funny, they just are, unconditionally. The expectations of the day are gone, and the goofiness inside is finally allowed to come out and play. When two are together in this time of tiredness, a connection is shared, hearing the immediate, in the moment thoughts, laughing together at the tiniest things. It is a time of bonding, a time of joy where much fun can be had. Along with fun, seriousness can also occur. Our walls are down and we feel safe to express our deeper emotions and troubles that we would not normally express in the daytime. It feels right to

5/26/22 Gardener of Rainbows

  Gardener of Rainbows In the early morning, a little old lady walks out to tend to her small garden. Rooted in the rich brown soil, little rainbows stand straight up, curving slightly at the ends. The old lady brings her metal watering can and begins to water her rainbows, showering them with plenty of moisture. One one side of her little garden, the rainbows are small and short, new buds recently planted. On the other end stand the more mature rainbows that have grown almost as tall as the woman herself. After she is done watering all her rainbows she examines the more mature ones, checking to see if any are ripe. She looks at the size and the saturation of the color of her more mature rainbows, and finds one that is ready for harvest.  Bending down to get close to the root of the rainbow, she takes a pair of trimmers and begins to delicately clip the rainbow from the ground. She is careful to cut in a straight line, to keep its perfect shape. As she finishes cutting through

5/25/22 The Journey Home

  The Journey Home “I’ll see you later, have a safe walk home,” my friend says to me as I walk out their front door. “Don’t worry, I will,” I say as I shut their door and begin my walk home. As I walk on the path through the woods towards my home, I just stare at the trees, not a thought in my mind. My feet know the way as they carry me home, letting my mind be at rest. As I walk through the woods, admiring the beauty of nature, a small bug flies past my eyes. I close them, trying to keep the bug out. As I hear the faint buzzing disappear I open my eyes and see I am now on…a beach? ‘I was just in the woods, how am I on a beach? I don’t even live near a beach!’ I confusedly think to myself. I turn in every direction, seeing no woods in sight, no way I could have accidentally stumbled upon a beach. The sound of the roaring ocean and fast blowing sea wind is so loud in my ears. The beach seems to go on for miles, so I decide to walk away from the water, up to the non sandy land, hop

5/24/22 Cruelty of Time

  Cruelty of Time Time is cruel. It is always moving, never stops, never slows down to take a break, it just keeps going onwards.  In the times when we wish it would go faster it seems to drag on forever, like it’s never going to end. It holds us in a state of agony for as long as it possibly can, torturing us while we beg it to move faster. But then of course through good times, it moves so fast, racing forward to pull us right back to the struggle we were trying to escape. The things we look forward to are always gone the fastest. We are able to look back and enjoy the memories, but we are forever left wishing they could have lasted longer, that we could still be in them now. We can never go back, we are stuck where we are. Once a good time happens, it is gone forever, savored by a memory, but never to be experienced again.  The End 5/24/22

5/23/22 Safe

  Safe Leaning against the thick wood fence, the young boy watched the sky. It was orange as it always was, no birds ever flew and the clouds were rare; dust clouds had become much more common. The foul smelling air was always blowing. The smell had become so natural to the boy that it no longer bothered him. As he sat in the dead grass, he tuned out the sounds of the ever playing radio as he never quite understood what they were saying. To him it was just mumbled words, too long to comprehend. His father used to be glued to the thing, always listening, taking notes, making plans. Nothing ever changed, no matter how much his father listened to that radio, in the end it did nothing to help him. His home town, once filled with people, now silent, no one dared leave their homes, at least not for long. It wasn’t even safe to be outside, but the boy didn’t care. The exposure inside was only slightly less than outside, so why stay cooped up all the time? Why not try to enjoy what was lef

5/22/22 Farmlife

  Farmlife The peaceful life of a humble farmer. Day in and day out, the farmer tends to his fields, and cares for his animals, providing them with food and water. The farmer's life was not easy, it involved hard work every single day. After years of living on the farm however, the work was normal, it would be strange to have a complete day of rest. The farmer enjoyed every day of his life out on his farm, just him and the works of his labor. Traveling to town to sell his goods and buy what little he needed then heading back to his sanctuary.  In the evenings, the farmer would sit on his porch, a hot drink in his hands and just relax, knowing the day's work was done and preparing for the next. This was always his favorite time of day, feeling the cool air brush against his beard as he watched the sun sink out of sight.  With life being so good to him, the farmer could hardly picture what his life was like before the farm. Faint images of a normal life in town, working a

5/21/22 A Trip Down the Hall

  A Trip Down the Hall She stood in the hallway and looked at the ominous door, shut at the end of the hall. Her head was like lead, pulling her in so many different directions. She couldn’t think of anything to do so there she stood, looking at the door. The longer she stared, more distortion came to her surroundings. The door began to move back and forth, as if a wave was pushing it. The hall would grow longer and then shrink, bringing the door closer and farther from her.  For a moment the hallway looked normal, the back and forth movements had stopped. The normality was soon broken by a whole new anomaly. The walls became like putty and started to twist. Her legs became shaky as she stumbled around. She was prepared to turn upside down with the twisting hall but it never happened, in her eyes, the whole hall twisted around her. She quickly blinked, hoping it would make the illusion fade but it persisted. The twisted hall spun back to its original state and once again the hall

5/20/22 Run (Part 3)

  Run (Part 3) The tiny creatures stamina seemed to last forever as the five friends began to grow tired after their long run through the woods. They tried to continue but their bodies were starting to physically deteriorate.  It became hard just to stay on their own two feet. Their muscles were so sore and so tight, just to take a stride brough burning pain. Their lungs had been worked to capacity and breathing grew harder and harder the more they ran. The woods also seemed never ending, no civilization of any kind for miles and miles. They were stuck, and their bodies were failing them. There was nothing they could do, nowhere they could hide, all they could do was run until they could run no more. Their fate became real as one of them dropped to the ground, unable to move due to exhaustion. From quick glances, they watched their friend, like ones before, get eaten alive by the little gray lizard monsters.  The four left running exchanged horrified glances that soon turned

5/19/22 Run (Part 2)

  Run (Part 2) Faced with this impossible situation the friends had no clue what to do. The one closest to the ground began to panic as the little gray lizard monsters started jumping, although not getting very far off the ground. “What if they can jump higher? What if they reach me?!” The one closest to the ground started rapidly climbing higher. The other seven encouraged their friend saying the creatures couldn’t jump that high, but it didn’t help. The friend continued to climb sloppily up the tree, just wanting to get as high as they could. As they went up branch by branch, even pushing past their other friends sitting in the tree, they lost their footing and slipped. As they fell through the tree everyone tried to catch them but were unsuccessful. Now there were seven in the tree, as they watched their eighth friend get devoured by the little monsters below. Once the creatures had finished with the body, they began to reanalyse their situation. All at once, as many could f

5/18/22 Run (Part 1)

  Run (Part 1) “Run, RUN!” The small gray two legged creatures chased the group as they tried to get away. A few got picked off during the chase but the majority managed to outrun the little beasts.    With a few friends gone, the rest of the group found themselves at a cliffside with nowhere to go. The tiny gray monsters had them surrounded, their only choice was to jump to the rapid flowing waters of the river below. Together, the nine friends all jumped, hurdling for the dangerous waters beneath them. They all held their bodies as straight as they could, wanting to smoothly enter the water. With eight succeeding, the ninth friend lost control during the fall and slammed into the water as if it were a brick wall. The eight that remained began to swim as fast as they could through the harsh water to the other side of the river. The gray creatures stood looking down at the water, seeing their prey get away. Instinct drove them to follow, so the hoard of little gray lizard creatures jum

5/17/22 Damaged Brain

  Damaged Brain “Error, brain has stopped working.” “No it hasn’t, if it can tell me it has shut down, it obviously still works!” I shout to myself. No matter how hard I try though, my brain continues not to function. “Ughhh I hate when this happens.”  I grab my bag and begin to walk to the nearest brain tune-up center. The distance itself is short, but with a malfunctioning brain, the walking part is difficult. Thankfully my muscles have a memory of their own that is non-reliant on my actual brain.  Reaching the tune-up center, I stumble in the door. A few employees see me and quickly come to my aide.  “How can we help you today sir?” one of the gentlemen ask. “My brain is telling me it has stopped working,” I reply. “Stopped working? Can you be a little more specific?” “No, all I have heard in my head all day is ‘Error, brain has stopped working,’ that’s it.” I notice as the man’s eyes go wide. “Oh no,” he says quietly to himself, not realizing I could hear it. “What do you mean ‘O

5/16/22 Forgotten Memories (Part 12)

  Forgotten Memories (Part 12) That night, Sarah had rushed back to the hospital to turn in the serum. Soon after the testing began. No one knew how long it would take to find a way to reverse the serum, let alone figure out how it took away memories in the first place.  In the waiting period Jeremy, with help from teachers, speech therapists, and his now girlfriend Sarah, Jeremy was able to relearn how to be a human being again, and recall a few lost memories here and there. He was not the person he used to be, but he was at least a functioning member of society. He was now becoming a new version of Jeremy, creating new memories. They had not seen or heard from Raina, she had disappeared. They knew they could have gone after her, but the chances of finding her would be slim. They decided to leave it alone and just move on. After two years, a countless number of tests, and many failed experiments, the scientists and doctors were confident they had created an antidote to the ser