
Showing posts from January, 2022

1/31/22 The Paulwick Pirate (Part 3)

  The Paulwick Pirate (Part 3) Two days pass on the open ocean. As Captain Flint walks on the deck he sees Leona drunkenly walking around with a flask of rum in her hand, giving petty orders to the crew. He walks over to confront her about this. “Miss Leona, this is the fourth time I have seen you drinking on deck!” He says to her sternly. “Aye Captain, you see, it’s awful boring at sea. The rum makes things more enjoyable, makes the time pass faster,” she says, slurring most of her words. “Miss Leona I am aware you are a pirate, but on this mission you are also the First Mate on a ship for the Royal Navy, and therefore you must set a precedent for the rest of the crew,” he pleads, trying to make her understand. “Well maybe my precedent is that everyone should loosen up, have some rum, and maybe this voyage would be a little more fun!” she says, downing another gulp. Flint quickly grabs her wrist, “I will not have a drunk crew stupidly walking around and managing my ship, i

1/30/22 The Paulwick Pirate (Part 2)

  The Paulwick Pirate (Part 2) The next morning, Leona arrives at the docks in front of the Paulwick, dressed in her pirate attire. “Good morning Miss Leona, I was starting to think you weren’t coming,” Captain Flint yells down from the deck of the ship. “And miss the chance at buried treasure? I would never,” Leona says with a devious smile. “Miss Leona, are you aware that any treasure we find will be taken straight to the King?” Flint asks. Leona’s devious smile grows, “Of course Captain,” she says, walking up the wooden ramp and boarding the ship. She looks around admiring the vessel then turns to Flint, “A fine ship you have here Captain, the Paulwick is quite a beauty.” “I know. She’s the finest ship I’ve ever had the honor of sailing aboard.” He says as he gently rubs the railing of the ship. Snapping out of his admiration for the Paulwick, Flint looks to Leona, “Miss Leona, if you would join me in my cabin, I believe we should discuss in more detail the plans for this voyage.” L

1/29/22 The Paulwick Pirate (Part 1)

  The Paulwick Pirate (Part 1) A tall, brown haired man, all dressed up in his naval uniform, enters his home just outside of London. Silence fills the home except for a small hint of splashing water. The man walks to his washroom to find a woman, with shaggy golden hair, submerged in his tub, with only her head sticking out of the water. “What on earth are you doing here?” the man says averting his eyes from the woman. “Oh just having a bath, care to join?” the woman replies in a seductive tone. “No,” the man gravely replies, “I do not appreciate this intrusion.” The woman lets out a single sharp laugh, “Intrusion? You are the one who walked in on me, and besides, you invited me here…Captain,” she says, playfully dragging out the last word. “When I formally requested to meet with you this is not what I had in mind,” he says, annoyed by the woman's non-serious tone. “Well then that’s your fault for expecting a pirate to be formal.” The woman climbs out of the tub. The

1/28/22 Snakes

  Snakes In a dense forest, a man walks around with his camera, capturing the stillness of nature just before nightfall. Walking through trees and bushes he stops, seeing the perfect image to capture right in front of him. He puts the camera to his eye and adjusts his lens, making sure the photo captures the beauty that is before him. *click* He snaps the photo. ‘Perfect’ he thinks to himself. He carries on through the forest, finding the perfect spots for photos. In front of him sits a large tree and in a branch he spots a calm owl, sitting peacefully on a branch. The photographer stops his pace and points his camera towards the owl, *click*.  As he looks down at the photo something unusual catches his eye. A large amount of snakes are all traveling in the same direction, as if they are being pulled by an unseen force. ‘What the hell?’ The snakes are of all colors, patterns and sizes. Some larger and others very small, like babies among giants.  The man watches as the snakes insti

1/27/22 A Stressful Night

  A Stressful Night “No sleep, very tired. What was that?! Oh heh, it's just the cat. Huh, who's there? Nobody, just the voices in my head. Go away please.” “Ugh, I’m so tired of carrying her emotions on top of my own. As if mine weren’t bad enough, adding another's depression is not helping anything.” “Let’s do something. Never mind, no energy, let’s just sleep. No but I have to do these few things, it won't take very long, then we can sleep. Alright but let’s wait a while, I don’t want to do it right now. But I want to sleep right now, and to sleep I need to do these things. It will all be fine.” “Alright all done with that, let’s sleep. It’s so dark. Why is everything scarier in the dark? The whole mood changes, I can be fine in the daylight and terrified at night, and all that has changed is the lighting. Well if I close my eyes everything will be fine and it will be morning soon enough. Goodnight cat, goodnight me.” The End 1/27/22

1/26/22 A Night on Falmare

  A Night on Falmare The emerald sun sets on Falmare. Twin sisters, Kavilia and Kavora, young in age but old enough to be out alone, watch from a blue sand hill. They slowly run their lemony yellow fingers through the blue sand. Small shiny crystals in the sand reflect the green light. The girls look around at the glow, like tiny emeralds buried all over the hill.  As the sun disappears behind the horizon, Flamare becomes encased in pitch black darkness. This does not bother the girls as Falmarians have night vision, allowing them to see in the darkness that overcomes their world every night.  Kavilia and Kavora silently walk to their home. As they reach the large, well lit building, the silence and serenity disappears as the noise enters the twins' ears. On Falmare there are no towns or cities, with many homes and buildings scattered around. Instead there are community buildings. These giant buildings hold homes for families, farm areas for gardening and holding livestock, mar

1/25/22 Aaverfier (Part 4)

  Aaverfier (Part 4) *Trigger Warning: Suicide* A-Jo and Terror Rising gear up with guns, and a whole lot of ammo. They know Rifter’s base is heavily fortified and guarded by his minions. Their attack needs to be quick and completely by surprise; stealthy at first, then a fast and strong attack.  “Are you and your men ready for this Mava?” A-Jo asks. “Are you?” she replies in mock disgust. With the plan fresh in everyone’s mind, the group of 9 leave for Rifters base. Night hides them well as they approach their destination. Guards patrol the outside of the large ruined red brick mansion. From surrounding foliage the group watches the guards. A-Jo and Mava hide behind a large bush while the other gang members surround the house.  Mava sends a subtle signal to the nearest man and the message gets passed around. With silencers on all the firearms, little pops are heard around the house, followed by bodies falling to the ground. The group meets at the front door and charges in, sho

1/24/22 Aaverfier (Part 3)

Aaverfier (Part 3) A-Jo and his hostage arrive at an old museum. Graffiti, plants and damage cover all the walls, inside and out, with the inside being livable but undesirable; much like the rest of Aaverfier. Two guards stare down A-Jo as he enters, gun to the man's head. The man signals the guards to stand down with a small nod of his head and movement of his fingers. Inside they find 5 more men scattered around the large main room, eyes glued to A-jo and his hostage. In the center of the room sits a grand chair, a mock throne. A hispanic woman with blood red hair sits on this throne, calmly watching as A-Jo and the man approach. They stop short of the throne as A-Jo looks to the leader of Terror Rising. “How’d a little lady like you find yourself as the head of an Aaverfier street gang?” A-Jo says, slightly demeaningly, trying to intimidate her.  Instead of replying with words the woman pulls out a

1/23/22 Aaverfier (Part 2)

  Aaverfier (Part 2) Nowhere is safe in Aaverfier but everyone has come to an understanding with each other so that some sort of normality can happen. Fights, injuries and murder happen everyday in Aaverfier, but keeping your head low and out of other peoples business can save your life. In the slums of Aaverfier, which is pretty much everywhere, a long-time resident survives in a small, run down apartment. He goes by A-Jo, but no one knows if that’s his real name or not. A-Jo is an escaped convict, wanted pretty much everywhere. He came to Aaverfier as a place to hide, knowing he could survive the harsh surroundings. By law, no government can arrest him in Aaverfier. This brings safety but has also created a cage.  After being here for so long, and with the recent changes Rifter has made, A-Jo dreams of leaving Aaverfier, but the thought of life in prison on the outside keeps him contained. He will not however stand for Rifter’s genocide. This is the only place he is “safe” and he is

1/22/22 Aaverfier (Part 1)

                                                                            Aaverfier (Part 1) Aaverfier, a terrible place, where only those with the darkest of souls reside. To get residency in Aaverfier a person has to consciously try to be a bad person. No one can just “end up” in Aaverfier, it is a choice they have to make.     Aaverfier was created as a way to let criminals be criminals with other criminals. Let them find their own way to coexist in a secluded area away from the good people of the world. Not all bad people go to Aaverfier but the appeal is strong in most, and so the population is ever growing.     Once in Aaverfier it is a contest...of who can be the worst person. Aaverfier truly defines survival of the fittest. In a land where everyone is trying to be the worst person they can be, if someone can’t hold their own they disappear, very quickly.     In a chaotic place, dominance defines who is in charge. Respect is hard to earn but well worth it in Aaverfier. People

1/21/22 The Flower

                                                                   The Flower Somewhere out there sits a beautifully rare flower. With glowing green petals that shimmer in sunlight and lighten the dark of night. Although small, the elegant details on every petal more than make up for its sze. Its sleek lime green stem is smooth to the touch, as if it were covered with the finest of silk.  The flower is said to be able to grant wishes, like a genie from a bottle. Any wish you can think of would be granted exactly how you want. All you have to do is pick the flower and tell it your wish. The magic will escape the flower and make your wish come true. It sounds so perfect but there is a slight dilemma. This flower sits hidden from all, person or animal.      So where can this flower be found? No one knows. How do you find something that is hidden if you don’t know where to look? And if it has never been found before then no one knows how to find it. Some say the flower isn’t real and they

1/20/22 Selflessness

  Selflessness “Thank you everyone for coming. I know this loss is hard but it has happened and so we are here today to acknowledge that reality and find a way to move forward. My father, Mill Harrison, died a hero. He saved the helpless at the cost of his own life. Without him, many of the people here would not be with us today. For those who do not know, my family and I were aboard a sinking ship, the lifeboat holding my family and others did not have enough room for everyone. Dad sacrificed himself so that we, and strangers we didn’t even know, could continue on in this life. Sadly, because of his cause of death, we do not have a body to cremate or bury. Instead we have had a generous donation from a local artist, a tribute to my father.”  A clay statue is unveiled. It depicts a hand rising out of water and behind it a lifeboat filled with people, shedding tears of sadness but at the same time grateful for their lives. “As we admire this statue, capturing my fathers bravery, may his

1/19/22 Don't Chase the Rabbit

  Don’t Chase the Rabbit Sitting on a metal bench outside a small shop in a quaint little town, a woman sits. Streaks of her brown hair rustle back and forth, moved by the breeze of the many people passing by. So many noises all around, chatter, cute little doorbells, the never ending footsteps, but the woman can’t hear them at all. She just sits, staring at nothing, as if looking at the wind itself. A gentle smile rests on her face, not by her control, but her subconscious mimicking her thoughts; thoughts invisible to passersby, only seen in her mind's eye. In her head she lives a different life, one that she controls, one where she can be happy or sad when she chooses, where she can go on grand adventures or just relax by a fire, where she can find love or experience loss. Even though there may be sadness in her headworld, it is under her control, exactly how she wants it, and it brings her a satisfying joy, a story well told. The woman realizes that the headworld is damagi