
Showing posts from June, 2022

6/29/22 Internet Problems

  Internet Problems “Alright yeah! Let’s do this, I’m ready to go. Just got to look a few things up and then I can get started on this project.” She sits quietly at her desk, watching a short video. It starts to get glitchy and then stops altogether. *Internet cuts out* She takes a deep inhale, “Really? It was a four minute video, the internet couldn’t last four minutes?” *Internet returns* “Ok cool, it’s back, I’ll just finish the video and then get going on this project.” *Internet cuts out* “What?! It just came back on, was it really even back? Was it just pretending to be back to lure me into a false sense of hope?” *Internet returns* “Are you back for real this time?” she questions her screen. She hits play and finishes the last thirty seconds of her video. “Ok I think it is good for now,” she says hopefully. She closes the video and opens a new tab, starting her project. *Internet cuts out* “You’re joking right? I’m not even doing that much! And I’m the only o

6/28/22 So Tired

  So Tired He could no longer tell the difference between being awake and being asleep. When he slept, it was not helpful, he gained no rest, no relief to the tiredness in his eyes. When he was awake it was like a dream, like he was just sleepwalking through life. There were no physical signs of his eternal tiredness, but in his mind he could feel it, his mental state was constantly deteriorating. He just wanted to be awake again, be fully functional, not just a zombie passing as a human.  No amount of rest could cure him. He would sleep for an entire day and still wake up feeling just as tired as before. There wasn’t even joy found in his dreams, as his dreams had left him. Once his constant tiredness started, he no longer experienced dreams.  His only wish was for the tiredness to go away, so he could enjoy life again, so he could dream again, so he could be alive again. He didn’t know how it started, why it was here, or how to make it go away. He simply continued his days, so,

6/27/22 Arachnophobia

  Arachnophobia Spiders are terrifying. Their entire presence brings fear to a room. The creepy long legs, the thought of venomous bites, their slow crawl…horrifying. Seeing a spider is scary but losing one is even worse. The feeling of fear when looking at the spider, not courageous enough to kill it, but not wanting to walk away, in fear of it running and hiding. Spiders inspire fear, make us freeze or do unnatural things. Even when they are so small, a tiny fraction of our size, they still make us turn into statues, frozen with fear. Being alone with a spider brings out a strange kind of courage. Knowing that the spider needs to die, but also that no one else is around to kill it. In the moment the only thing to do is to kill it, no matter how terrifying the thought is.  The worst part is not knowing if the spider will just hold still so it can be squished, or if it will run. And if it runs, in what direction will it go? Will it scatter across the open floor, in an easy pl

6/26/22 The Slow Walk Home

  The Slow Walk Home Illuminated by neon lights, he walked down the rainy street, raindrops landing on his metal skin, making a soft dripping noise with each drop. His heavy feet splashed the puddles of water on the concrete as he took long steps but with a slow stride. They told him he was waterproof. When they brought him to life, they promised him the rain, or any other source of water, would have no effect on him. They even said he could try and swim if he wanted to! But they were wrong. Each step grew harder and harder for him. He could not duck inside anywhere for shelter from the rain, at this late hour all the shops were shut and locked. He could break into one but he was good, he didn’t want to cause damage, or risk getting arrested. Being an android meant authorities would not hesitate to destroy him immediately at the slightest sign of illegal activity.  He tried to return home, back to his creators apartment, so he could be fixed, waterproofed, able to continue living

6/25/22 Withering Away

  Withering Away He is dying and there is nothing she can do. She has looked after him for so long, cared for him as best she could, and yet now, he is fading away. She wishes she knew more about how to help him, how she could have cared for him better so that his life could be extended just a little bit longer. As he sits motionless, she tries to give him some water, hoping he will take it and maybe bring him back somehow. The water seems to do nothing, and has no effect on his outward appearance. He takes it whenever it is given but it is not helping, he is too far gone. For so long he has been a beautiful part of her life, and watching him fade away breaks her heart. She has grown so attached to him over the years, but now he is leaving her, soon to return to the earth. She is however hopeful, knowing that his loss may bring new life. As he decomposes in the ground, he will provide nutrients, potential for new growth.  The last day arrives and she sadly watches as her little p

6/24/22 Risk

  Risk “You are risking everything for this! You could lose everything!” “I KNOW!” Arina screamed, “I know, but I can’t let this go. How could I?” “Just leave it, don’t take the risk, it’s not worth it Arina,” Jamen desperately pleaded. “Jamen, I know you are just trying to look out for me, and I thank you for that, but this is something I need to do, and no matter what you say, it’s not going to stop me,” Arina stated confidently. “Alright, alright go ahead, do it, but before you do just tell me this. Why are you doing it? Why is it so important to you? And don’t just say ‘because it is’. If you are willing to risk everything for this you need to have a good reason.” Arina paused for a second, not sure of how to answer. “Come on Arina, you should have an answer for this!” Jamen pressured. Arina continued to stand silently, trying her best to think of an answer. “See, if you can’t even tell me why it is so important to you, it is certainly not worth giving everything up

6/23/22 Word Dump

  Word Dump Hello everyone this is just a word dump because i'm not feeling particularly creative tonight, those creative juices just ain't flowing. So I gave myself 5 minutes to just dump words onto this page and this is going to be the outcome of that. There will probably be typos or bad grammar (maybe idk depends if I go back and fix it in time or not.) Also if this thing ends in a weird place with no real stopping point, like mid sentence type of thing, it’s because my five minutes ran out and I just stopped. So ugh I guess welcome to how I talk in real life aside from my writing. I like to think i'm much more elegant in my writing or I try to be. Sometimes when I a m actually talking to people i try and be more creative too. I guess I try to flip flop my writing and actual speaking but thanks to this you all get to witness both, kind of, like yeah I am writing but I am also just straight writing down my thoughts which I know ive done before but it is a nice break fro

6/22/22 Don't Sleep

  Don’t Sleep “No time to rest, no time for sleep, always working, working, working, must keep working. Why waste time with sleep? So unproductive, you get nothing done. Keep working, keep staying awake, sleep as little as possible, just enough to get you through.”  He paces around his room, eyes heavy, “We waste so much time sleeping when we don’t even need to. Just keep working, just keep working, keep getting things done. Don’t stop, we could have so much done if we just didn’t sleep.” His voice grew louder as his rant continued, “I’m fine, I don’t need more sleep! Look at me, totally fine, still breathing, still moving, still getting work done! I’m not going crazy, I’m totally sane, I’m the only one who really sees. Everyone always tells me to sleep more, but no! I DON’T NEED IT!” he yells. “Look at all them, laying down like they’re dead, while I’m here actually accomplishing things. And they call me the crazy one, the weird one. I don’t need them, let them sleep, let me be alone

6/21/22 Communicating with Aliens

  Communicating with Aliens “Um wow, I ugh…don’t know what to say. Hello?” the woman stutters nervously. The green alien stares at her blankly. “You probably have no idea what I’m saying do you?” The alien tilts its head. The woman snaps her fingers and points at the alien, “Ha! Confusion, I understand that. We are gonna figure this out.” Wanting to use emotion to establish communication, the woman begins to make a plethora of faces, trying to imitate different feelings. A wide cheesy smile for happiness, a droopy mouth for sadness, furrowed eyebrows and squinted eyes for anger. The alien watched, with seemingly no expression, just watching the woman make a fool of herself in front of this other worldly being.  “Alright so you and me, we can be friends, happy,” she said with a large smile. “No need to fight, be angry,” she said with a deeper voice and furrowed brow. “I am good,” she gave a thumbs up and returned to her exaggerated smile. “Are you good?” The aliens' eyes s

6/20/22 Ocean Rider

  Ocean Rider Riding the waters, no board, nothing but himself, he majestically glided along the ocean's surface. His feet gently brushed through the water, causing small splashes around his ankles. With both arms back and chest pushed out, he commanded the wind behind him, propelling him forward.  He was like a statue, so still as he quickly surfed on top of the water. Being so far out in the ocean he had no worries of being seen, being deemed strange. He could simply be himself, unique with his power, but free to just be.  He loved the feeling of the wind mixed with the ocean mist as he traveled the seas. Occasionally he would pass by a boat. He would see the faces staring at him, confused, but he would just continue on as if they weren’t there. No one ever seemed to care for more than a few seconds, they would deem it an illusion of the ocean. Being an ocean rider was so much fun for him. With so much water covering the earth, he never ran out of places to go. He did not k

6/19/22 Starlight Orbs (Part 3)

  Starlight Orbs (Part 3) Walking through the dark woods, Lyla was so overcome by fear. Her feet moved for her, not knowing what else to do. Trying to find the little ball of light, or any light at all, was her only goal. She kept her gaze straight ahead of her, scared of what she might see in the forest. Her eyes welled with tears. As she wiped them away, a small light shone into them. The light was so close. Lyla dashed towards the light, hoping she had found what she was looking for. As she approached it, the light grew brighter and brighter. When she stood above it, it was such a beautiful light. A soft gray, with shimmers flowing through it. Lyla’s jaw dropped, all her fear was gone as she admired the starlight orb.  Snapping out of her amazement, she picked up the orb, it was weightless and was neither warm nor cold. If her eyes were not looking right at it, she would not believe it existed. Lyla tried her best to be delicate with the orb, not wanting to break it, wanting t

6/18/22 Starlight Orbs (Part 2)

  Starlight Orbs (Part 2) The bright star shooting through the sky hears the wish of the young girl. Deeming it worthy, the star releases a starlight orb to the ground for the young girl to find.  Unlike many for centuries, little Lyla notices the small ball of light that emerges from the shooting star. It was so fast but she knew she saw something fall and needed to go find it. She quickly runs inside and slips her little red rain boots over her pajama pants. “I’ll be right back mom!” she says excitedly.  Her mother looks up from the book in her hands, “What? Lyla, where are you going?” Lyla zooms out the door and towards the woods near her house. Her mother quickly stands up from her chair and rushes to the door, “Lyla come back!” She scurries to put her shoes on but when she steps back outside her daughter is out of sight, “LYLA!” The young girl can barely hear her mother’s desperate calls, but ignored them, wanting to find the little light that had fallen. She wanted to f

6/17/22 Starlight Orbs (Part 1)

  Starlight Orbs (Part 1) When the sky is dark and stars fly across the sky, people look up, trying to spot a shooting star, ready to make a wish to the flashing light. A tradition practiced for centuries. People know their wish will most likely not be granted, and yet they wish anyway. Little do they know, a crucial step in this ancient tradition was lost to time. No one really knows how to guarantee their wish to come true. On rare occasions when a star deems a wish worthy, it releases a starlight orb onto the earth. The small balls of pure light rapidly fall to the earth, making them hard to see, invisible to one who doesn’t know what to look for. For a wish to come true, the wisher must find their starlight orb. They are not always easy to find, the star does not deliver the orb directly to the wisher, simply drops the orb once it hears a worthy wish. Back when the starlight orbs were still common knowledge, people would often spend days searching for their orb once it droppe

6/16/22 A Cursed Night

  A Cursed Night Entranced by his form I am frozen, stuck to gaze upon him. His fat little body and eight thin legs leave me petrified with fear, unable to dispose of him but too scared to look away. I must not go any closer but I cannot leave for fear of where he might hide. I sit alone, patiently awaiting the return of my friend. She should be here by now but her night seems to be going worse than mine. Fate has frowned upon us this night, made our fears a reality, caused unrest in our very souls.  She arrives, aware of my struggle and ready to help. Walking into my room she finds me, blank faced, eyes glued to the eight legged demon attached to my wall. She gets into position, her thick black boots ready to eliminate the monster.  Slow at first then quick with rage, she smashes her foot against the wall, squishing the spider, killing him instantly. Within that moment her frustrations were released, a part of her could put aside the struggles of the night, and rejoice in victor

6/15/22 Slime

  Slime It smells of green apple but its color is blue. What is this substance and what does it do? It stretches so long but crumbles when tight. Should I keep it or call it a night? I do like the scent but it makes quite a mess. It’s also quite fun but is it worth the stress? It’s easy to clean but the work is still there. I think the fun makes it worth it to bear. I never knew I’d like such a thing. How would one know the treasure slime would bring? Even as it fades I’ll keep it still. Remembering it in its prime, the adventure, the thrill. The End 6/15/22

6/14/22 The Devourer

  The Devourer Three giant heads and a lanky brown body lurk behind us in the distance. It is coming for us, the devourer. With massive bowl-like heads that hold only a giant mouth filled with thousands of razor sharp teeth, the devourer roars through the night, almost blending in with the midnight sky, lit only by a street lamp of the small town. Coming out of a forest of evergreens, we run through the dirt towards our small house, hoping it will bring us safety. The ground shakes as the giant monster slams one of its four arms down onto the ground. Something starts digging through the ground, emitting small bits of purple light through the dirt as it digs towards us, leaving upturned dirt in its path. As the three of us are about to reach the house, with the trail of rising dirt catching up quickly, two of us jump towards the ground in front of the porch. Huddled on the ground we call to the third of our group who has given up and is ready for the devourer to take him. We cry o

6/13/22 Balloon Life

Balloon Life Just as the balloon is filled with air, filled with life, with form, with purpose, ever so slowly throughout its short lifespan, it deflates, becoming nothing but a thin slice of rubber laying abandoned. No one cares for it once the fun has been had, its life has been lived and it is no longer useful.  No one wants a worn out balloon, one that is more susceptible to breaking, one that may not even work, that could rip at any moment. The new high quality balloons are all people want, the ones that are reliable, sturdy, beautiful. The ones that are clean and float elegantly in the air.  What child would pick the dull, grimey balloon, over the brand new ones, shiny, drawing all the attention.  The balloon's life is short, only having one real moment of glory. That time is so short before it is left to die. However some balloons get to go out in different ways. Some get to rise to glory, floating away with the clouds never to be seen again, its fate unknown. Others go out

6/12/22 Am I Myself?

  Am I Myself? “Margaret, am I still here?” Jen asked her friend with legitimate concern. “Of course you are here, what kind of question is that?” Margaret replied. “I just don’t feel real at the moment. It’s like I’m me, but I’m not me.” Margaret looks her friend up and down, “Well Jen, you still look like yourself to me.” “That’s good. And I’m still acting like me? Right?” “Other than whatever is happening right now, yeah you have been acting like yourself. Maybe a little more tired than usual, but still you.” “Thank you Margaret, I just wanted to be sure. I’m gonna go lie down for a while and hopefully wake up as myself again.” “You do that Jen, I think some sleep will do you good.” “Goodnight Margaret.” “Goodnight Jen.” The End 6/12/22