
Showing posts from December, 2022

12/31/22 Final Thoughts

  Final Thoughts Oh my gosh I made it! I managed to write something everyday for an entire year! I’ll admit there are times when I wanted to stop, but I also wanted to keep going and not give up. Burnout is so real though, and it hit hard multiple times throughout the year. I am proud that I did it though, no matter how challenging it was some nights. I may not be proud of every single piece that I wrote, but I am happy with a lot of them. It is more the fact I was able to push myself to just write something, whether it was good or bad, that makes me the most proud. It has been a good experience though, coming up with something new every night. It challenged my creativity while also helping to develop my writing style. It gave me a chance to play around with different genres and styles of writing that I might not have done before. I am excited however for next year where I plan to continue writing, (maybe not every single day) and also work on editing and planning ahead. I am v

12/30/22 Reality is Changing

  Reality is Changing I don’t know when exactly this started happening or why, but it is. Reality is changing around me. At first the changes were small, unnoticeable, but now…now they are everywhere and nothing makes sense anymore. Everything seems fake, too fantastical to be real, but here it is before my eyes.  The things people wear now are so full of color or design. Ladies walk casually in their long dresses covered in butterflies or clouds. Some clothes seem to emanate fire, a smoke following them wherever they go, but they do not burn. People themselves look different, with skin colors all through the spectrum, and eyes and hair colors the same. There is no set tone for those things anymore, they are now a mixed match of any color imaginable. It is not just the people that have changed but the world itself. Giant structures have popped up everywhere, made of various materials. Some buildings look like castles, others ruins, factories, grand buildings made with strange a

12/29/22 Diamonds in the Stone (Part 4)

  Diamonds in the Stone (Part 4) “Yes, one million dollars even,” Rena says calmly. “It’s only fair, seeing as you will be making at least three times that.” Mr. Davies thinks it over for a moment, moving past his initial shock, and sees Rena’s reasoning. “And your price won’t go up if the diamonds bring in more than we expect?” “Nope. A solid one million, no matter what. How about this; you contract me for one million to remove the diamonds for you. That way, we will have a legal form saying that you only owe me one million dollars, no more, no less. I will only be entitled to what is on the contract and the rest is yours.” Mr. Davies is surprised at Rena’s maturity in the situation, making such a reasonable offer. “Alright, you have yourself a deal,” Mr. Davies says, reaching his hand over the desk to shake Rena’s. “Thank you,” Rena says with a smile on her face. “I will have my people draw up the contract later today, and I will see you here tomorrow for the signing. The

12/28/22 Diamonds in the Stone (Part 3)

  Diamonds in the Stone (Part 3) “What kind of deal?” Mr. Davies asks cautiously. “You do intend to sell the diamonds once they are removed from the stone right?” Rena presumes. “Ugh, well yes, I do,” Mr. Davies responds, a little embarrassed by his greed. “Well then I wan’t a cut of the money. I am after all the one getting you the diamonds.” “Those diamonds are property of the museum and all funds raised by them should go  directly to me! To be used for the benefit of the museum of course.” “I promise you will still get a fair share of the money. I am not an unkind woman, I have morals, but in this case I am breaking them slightly for my own benefit.” “Alright,” Mr. Davies days in defeat, “How much do you want?” “Well that depends, how much are all these diamonds worth?” “Let me call in an appraiser and we will find out. Please come with me to my office.” Rena follows Mr. Davies to his office and sits down in a chair by the door. Mr. Davies grabs his phone and calls f

12/27/22 Diamonds in the Stone (Part 2)

  Diamonds in the Stone (Part 2) “Hello ma’am, I am Mr. Davies the director of this museum.” He shakes Rena’s hand as security guards watch from behind him. “I hear you think you can break the unbreakable stone?” “Yes, I can’t fully explain it, but I just need to hold it. It’s like it is calling to me, or the diamonds are…or something, I don’t know! Just please let me hold it.” Mr. Davies looks at her strangely for a moment, wondering whether to trust her or not. He turns to one of the three security guards. “Open the case and hand this woman the stone.” The security chief looks at him, “Sir, are you sure this is a good idea?” “I have waited years to see those diamonds free from the stone. If this woman believes so strongly to cause all this ruckus, then let her try it. If she fails we lose nothing, but if she succeeds…” dollar signs flash in his eyes, “All those diamonds. We must let her try.” The chief turns to the guard, “Alright, go ahead and do it.” The guard takes his

12/26/22 Diamonds in the Stone (Part 1)

  Diamonds in the Stone (Part 1) Rena walks around the museum, staring at all the beautiful displays, reading a sign here and there of things that catch her eye. She stops as she enters the geology room. All around her are shining crystals and ornate stone, it is stunning in her eyes. She wants to examine everything much closer all at once but she is drawn to a display in the middle. An orange stone sits in a glass case on a pure white pedestal. Scattered all over the stone are what appear to be little diamonds. With the size of the stone being the size of two hands, Rena figures there must be thousands of those diamonds in there. Rena looks at the sign on the case, “The Unbreakable Stone.” The sign explains that the rock is like nothing they have ever seen before and that no one has been able to break the stone open to retrieve the diamonds. They have tried all sorts of tools and explosives, but nothing has made the rock crack even a little. As she stares deeper at the rock, s

12/25/22 Paper Floor

  Paper Floor Boxes, bags, and wrapping paper were scattered across the floor. It was hard to step on just the carpet without getting some form of paper on your foot. It seemed like the floor was completely covered and the mess would be impossible to clean.  The next day the mess stayed, no one cleaning it up. The day after that and the day after that, nothing was done about it. The carpet was no more, it was just trampled wrapping paper and squished bags. Years passed, they forgot what the carpet even looked like in the living room. They had grown so accustomed to the paper, it just felt right now. They didn’t miss the carpet and didn’t mind the mess, and so the wrapping paper stayed, on the floor, forever. The End 12/25/22

12/24/22 Being a Baby

  Being a Baby I love this, everyone's eyes are on me, their attention is on me, it’s perfect. I’m being played with and cuddled, I really love the bouncing, that can keep happening. These people keep passing me around though. I’d prefer to stay with mama and dada but these other people are pretty fun. I’m not quite sure where I am, this place doesn’t look like home. There are so many fun things on the table though; yummy napkins, shiny forks, some cups that I want to grab also. These people are no fun though, they won’t let me touch anything, they keep giving me this plastic bottle that is so boring! Wait, why is no one looking at me now. This lady just brought things that smell nice, and now no one is looking at me. Oh wait, I’m going back to mama! Ooh she is giving me the yummy smelling things, this is pretty good, thank you mama. No wait, stop, I don’t want to be in this chair, put me back on your lap! Play with me! Pay attention to me! Oh yay, dada is coming to pick me u

12/23/22 A Day at Home

  A Day at Home “So many plans, so much stuff that needs done, I need to do all of it tomorrow. It is getting done! It has to, there is no way it can’t. I need it to be done tomorrow,” she said, stressfully pacing around her house before going to bed. Ice. That’s all there was the next morning. The road was covered in ice, her car was ice, the trees even, with their slim branches, were all completely iced over. Nothing could get done, at least not safely. “Maybe I don’t need to do those things today. Maybe I’ll just sit on my couch with a nice cup of hot chocolate and enjoy this wintery day.” And that is exactly what she did. The End 12/23/22

12/22/22 Cold Temper

  Cold Temper “NO! PLEASE STOP!” he pleaded as she rained snow over him. “Pathetic, a little snow won’t kill you.” “Then why are you doing this?” he shakily asked. “To show you that my powers are very real. You see I did not take kindly to your mockery and felt an example was needed.” “Alright, alright, I believe you, you have ice powers. Will you please let me go?” he said, holding up his fists bound to the earth with ice. “No, I don’t think I will. You see, this tiny sprinkling of snow won’t kill you, but I assure you, my powers can be very deadly.” She clenched her fist and the snow fused together into sharp icicles that landed all around him. He whimpered, “Please don’t kill me.” “I won’t. But I will let you go now.” She unclenched her fist and all the snow and ice melted, drenching the man but freeing him of his bonds. “I would not underestimate me again. My powers may be of ice but I assure you I have quite a hot temper.” “I promise, I will not doubt you or others

12/21/22 Archer

  Archer His aim was impeccable, wood splintered everywhere as he shot arrow after arrow into the hay target. Each arrow landed on the one before it, sending small wood shavings flying through the air.  He loved his ability but thought it useless. In a world of guns and knives, who needed a bow and arrow? What person would feel threatened by a stick and some string when they themselves held a rifle. With food provided for him in a store, he would never need to hunt, he didn’t want to hunt. He simply loved the bow and arrow. The accuracy that could be acquired, the feeling of release when the arrow left the bow, for him nothing was better. As useless as it felt, he continued to practice. Not to compete, or so show off, but simply because he enjoyed it. A normal man in the eyes of the world, but behind closed doors, one of the best archers the world would never see. The End 12/21/22

12/20/22 Another Day

  Another Day Hello and welcome to Another Day. Your automatic lifetime subscription has not yet expired so you will continue to be provided with days until your subscription ends. The amount of days left on your subscription can not be provided due to technical errors involving calculation. We are sorry if this is an inconvenience and will try to improve our services in the future. For now though, we hope you enjoy your days. If you have any dissatisfaction with the days provided, please call our toll free number and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can to the best of our ability. Here at Another Day, we keep it honest and acknowledge that all problems can’t be solved. But we do promise to try our best to make your days as great as they can be. So for now, thank you for subscribing to Another Day, and as we always say, have a nice day! The End 12/20/22

12/19/22 Snow in the Street Lights

  Snow in the Street Lights She walked down the street of the town. It was all so new to her, having just moved from across the country. Snow was falling all around, she had never really seen snow, not like this. It was so thick and there was so much of it. As she walked she saw a street lamp illuminating the falling snow. The sight was so beautiful at night. All the little snowflakes glowed as they passed the yellow-orangish light. She couldn’t stop looking at it, it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Before she’d seen photographs of this kind of thing, but never thought she’d witness it in person. She went towards the street lamp, staring at the snow falling past the light. Her eyes grew dry and snowflakes hit them, but she didn’t care, she never wanted to look away. So there she stood, staring wide eyed at the beautiful scene in front of her. The snow began to build on her eyes, frosting them over like ice. No matter how uncomfortable she wouldn’t close her eyes

12/18/22 Bored

  Bored Reyoon struggled as he listened to his master. The talks were always so long and monotonous. He knew he needed to learn, but the way was so boring, his brain wanted to die. “Reyoon! Are you listening?” His master asked him angrily. “Yes, Master.” “Then what have I just said?” “Listening yes, processing no. I apologize, master, my brain is failing me.” “Reyoon, to learn the ancient arts you must learn patience and focus. You must always be aware of what is happening around you if you are to one day become a master.” “I will try to pay attention, Master, I promise.” “You better. It is a great honor to be trained in these arts, to waste such training is a disgrace on your own soul.” The lesson continued on but Reyoon could not hold his focus. He stood up in the middle of a sentence, “Master I am sorry, but your words do not hold. Let disgrace be on me as I take my leave.” Reyoon exits the room as his master gives a disgusted look. “Ungrateful…” Reyoon hears his m

12/17/22 Gold Mines

  Gold Mines Alone is his mineshaft, Everman picked away at the earth, doing what every other man was doing down there, searching for gold. Readings through the stone had picked up a large deposit somewhere around the area where they were mining. So many tunnels had been dug but the gold was still elusive. Many men came to the mines, despite the dangers. So many had been lost in the tunnels, mysterious disappearances were very common. But they all had their heart set on the gold, and the riches it would bring, so they continued to mine. As Everman struck his pick again and again, he did it. In the wall where the rock had just fallen, a small shimmer caught his eye. He gasped as he stared at it. Before calling out he wanted to be sure that he’d found it, and maybe snag some to keep for himself. With a new energy he dug away at the rock, the shimmer of gold growing bigger and bigger and the rocks fell away. After a few minutes, Everman stood in front of a wall of pure gold. “GOLD

12/16/22 Suspicions

  Suspicions I was at school like any other day, wearing my knitted maroon sweater over my button up white shirt. My legs were covered by a blue plaid skirt that went to my knees and black shoes with tall white socks adorned my feet. It was break time and I walked outside the school and looked over to the stone wall. That’s where Vanessa always sat. She was the bad girl of the school, or at least that’s what she wanted everyone to think. I didn’t quite believe her but I did have my suspicions. Vanessa was up to something but I couldn’t tell if it was very bad or not. I heard rumors of drugs and gangs, but didn’t think she was actually involved. I didn’t completely toss the idea out the window though. So everyday during break, I went out to check on her, always sitting on that stone wall. Today however, when I walked outside, Vanessa was gone, nowhere to be found. “Oh no,” I said to myself. The rumors were true and I knew something bad was about to happen. I’m not sure why, but

12/15/22 Loudly

  Loudly “How loud do I have to shout at you before you listen?” “I am listening! I’ve listened every time.” “Yes but you never do anything about it.” “Yes I do!” “...” “For like a few months…” “...” “Before falling right back to where I was before.” “Exactly, therefore, you did not listen. If you had truly listened, you would not fall so often.” “I know, I know I need to change but I don’t want to.” “Would you risk everything based on something you just want? Not even something you need. Is it really worth it?” “No.” “That’s right. I have shown you time and time again that you can just let it go, you don’t need it. Come to me and I will help you.” “But…” “But what? What argument can you possibly give?” “None.” “Alright. Now come, let’s walk this road together and I will help you not to stumble.” The End 12/15/22